Complaint form.

This complaint form (“this form”) serves as an official platform for tutors and/or tutees registered under Tutors In Action Malaysia (TIA) via the Tutor Registration Form and/or Tutee Registration Form to raise any problems faced whilst providing and/or receiving tutoring lessons under TIA.

Please provide us with the tutee whom you are lodging this complaint against. Kindly do not list all the tutees you teach.

Please provide us with the tutor whom you are lodging this complaint against.

Please state the subject you teach the tutee you are lodging this complaint against. Kindly do not list all the subjects you teach.

Please state the subject taught by your tutor you are lodging this complaint against or the subject of the lesson you share with your fellow tutee whom you are lodging this complaint against. Kindly do not list all the subjects you have tutoring lessons under TIA.

Max. 1000 characters

By submitting this complaint form, you acknowledge that you have read and consented to the following:

  • Upon reviewing your complaint, we will contact you via e-mail or a messaging platform (e.g. Telegram, Whatsapp or Instagram) within 5 working days. In the event you do not receive a response from us about your issue, you are strongly encouraged to immediately reach out to us.
  • TIA will conduct due diligence in verifying all facts, within reason, to determine whether there is a triable case of if this complaint was untruthful.
  • TIA reserves the right to act as a third party mediator to resolve the conflict between yourself and the person(s) whom you are lodging this complaint against. As such, TIA has the right to commence resolution proceedings and a final interview stage wherein all parties involved and representatives of TIA will be in attendance.
  • If TIA finds that this complaint has been made untruthfully, you will be blacklisted from being a tutor and/or tutee under TIA.
  • The data provided in this form is subjected to our Privacy Policy.